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发布时间:2021-03-14 04:38:12

Ⅰ 简历中工作描述怎么写

在简历的组成部分中,工作经验的描述至关重要。工作经验有多有少,时间有长有短,但是最关键的是从你的工作描述中应该可以体现你的成长以及进步。写工作描述之前,首先应该明白这一点。工作描述是针对工作的,如某一职位所需要的技能、所承担的责任、工作性质等。应以工作性质、工作内容为基础进行有侧重的描写。 首先要做的是从招聘广告中提炼出关键信息。有些求职者在应聘时将招聘广告上的工作职责忽略,只是自认为达到了要求就投出了通用简历,而招聘单位根本无从考证应聘者是否符合自己的要求、胜任工作。简历中要突出自己相关的工作经历,如果没有相关的工作经历,也可突出相近的工作经历。如果是缺乏工作经验的毕业生,则可尝试介绍与工作内容相符的个人素质,在校期间的活动组织、参与情况,表现自己适合对方的企业文化。另外,建议投简历时附上一份求职信,描述自己对工作的胜任。 不要将自己全部的经历铺陈于HR的面前。对于HR来说,无关的经历能够引起他们兴趣的可能性很小,甚至太多的无关经历还会让求职者“扣分”。 也许你在进入美容美发行业以前,还有其他的工作经验,但是在填写简历的过程中,并不是都需要将其罗列。你只需要描述与自己现在应聘职位要求所相关的经验、经历就可以了。用这些经验证明你有能力做好自己的目标工作,让用人单位相信你能胜任目标岗位。 不要光陈述你的工作内容,而要强调你的职责、在工作中取得的成就,而且要避免空话、套话。可用具体的方式表述,如展示你过去的头衔、获得的奖励以及数据。对过往单位的介绍可通过描述其规模、行业地位、发展状况等。在知名大型企业的就职经历能够很好地提升简历的被关注度。表现出你对过去工作的胜任,以及对所应聘职位的胜任。 工作经验描述把握三个点:关键词、数字、结果用关键词说话:什么是关键词?通用的关键词有“团队意识、创造力、抗压力”等,这些关键词可以从企业发布的职位招聘信息中获得。而某些职位有特定的关键词,如销售职位的关键词有“营销意识、加快”等。用数字说话:大脑对数字信息的接受和传递更为敏感,且把工作能力量化,能使抽象的能力描述变得清晰起来。例如,我们可以尝试将“销售能力很强”改成“新开发的产品使销售额增加了200万,使部分销路总量增加了12%”。 用结果说话:结果就是业绩,在简历中的结果描述中应使其程度化。 如果你在公司里得到提升,你可以在你的简历中突出这一点。潜在的雇主会对你的提升有深刻印象,因为提升表示你就业稳定,也很有出色的工作成绩。但你必须用正确的显示方法,否则会得到相反的效果。在描述工作经历时,并不是简单的铺陈或者是工作转换,必须可以从中看出你的进步。

Ⅱ 英文简历 翻译 关于职业描述的一小段

1. Customer resource development and customer maintenance work, completed the sale of the company issued mandates;
2. Responsible for the establishment of detailed customer information files, including basic information about customers and proct sales information;
3. Establish sales networks, for the relevant departments to provide the necessary market information support;
4. In charge of the project signed by tracking the activities of management and after-sales service to the business development for the company to provide constructive comments.

Ⅲ 简历里"目前所从事的工作"怎么说用英文 Current work可以吗

current job

Ⅳ 英文简历怎么写


电话:建议加上区号并且写成易于拨打的形式:(86) 188-888-8888。
模块内容:除基本信息以外,一般会有4个模块:教育 EDUCATION 工作 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 组织/活动 LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE 或者 ACTIVITIES其他 MISCELLANEOUS除了必须有的教育和工作经历以外,英文简历一般都会写工作以外的活动经历。如果篇幅比较长这个模块也可以不要,只在教育和工作后面放一个小模块「其他」,挑重要的组织和活动经历简单放在里面。「其他」里还需要写出语言、技能、证书和兴趣爱好。需要留意的是,模块标题全部大写比较好,或者至少全部单词的首字母要大写。这两种方式都可以,但是全文统一得格式。如果你有项目经历,在英文简历中一般不会单独提出,而会写在工作经历当中。
很多人喜欢在做过的事情后面加上一个“总结”,或者不写干什么直接就上自我总结,就像是“我学习到了xx的技能”。自我总结不会让HR认为你有这个能力,因为它是毫无说服力的描述,你想体现的工作能力、学习能力,都应该通过“动词 + 结果“展现出来。
1. 每段描述都应该以动词开始;
2. 开头不要重复使用相同的动词3次以上;
3. 使用过去时态。

Ⅳ 工作经历用英语怎么说,英文简历中工作经历

工作经历的英文:work experience

experience读法 英[ɪk'spɪəriəns]美[ɪk'spɪriəns]




1、I had a singular experience in Africa.

2、The shipwreck was a harrowing experience.


1、firsthand experience 直接体验

2、funny experience 有趣的经历

3、glorious experience 令人愉快的经历

4、good experience 有益的经历

5、graal experience 逐步的经验








1、hands-on experience 亲身经历

2、hard experience 艰难的遭遇

3、hereditary experience 遗传的经验

4、indirect experience 间接经验

5、inctive experience 感人的经验

Ⅵ 请高手把自我介绍和工作职责的内容翻译成英文, 投简历和面试要急用!百度,有道神马的在线翻译就免了,谢谢


I'm a lively person. I have a good command of English both in writing and speaking. I'm a good team player and know how to conct effective communications with others. I'm adaptive to all kinds of situations and can work under pressure. Above all, I have passion for the marketing job.

Job descriptions:
1.Promoting markets on the internet, exploring and maintaining clients;
2. Setting yearly and monthly sales targets and planning ads promotions on the internet market.
3. Adjusting promotion strategies in a timely manner based on the internet markettrends and the actions of the competitors.
4.Addressing visitors, mails and phone calls;
5. Visiting clients and gathering informations on the market demands as well as client's wishes and needs.
6. Tracking the development of tourist markets for both domestics routes and oversea routes, as well as analysing market characteristics and trends.

Ⅶ 求帮忙英文翻译以下内容,此内容是求职简历中对以前工作内容的描述.谢谢

Responsible for project built apartment rental business.
Early reception customer contact and checking and negotiations.
Responsible for the preliminary contract make and review.
Follow up signing and payment.
Handling of customer complaints after leasing.
And real-time observations of rental market dynamic apartment.
The main means for customers with intermediary cooperation and developed by the customer.
Is responsible for the reception, processing tenant complaints.
Responsible for engineering, cleaning department, security and communicating with clients language translation work (tenant for more foreign personnel).

Ⅷ 英语翻译关于简历中对工作经历的一小段描述

It is the electronic factory and communication company to correspond to Japan of East China. Develop the new customer, cooperate with technical support engineer to the customer to offer the semiconctor, solution of the electronic devices and components. Safeguarding has a customer, confirm the trade procere, logistics, questions such as payment cycle,etc. with the customer. Understand customer's demand, proce the tendency newly, and there are relevant information such as condition of proction now, offer the good service to the customer. The quality question appears, report to Japan quality department, solve the problem in time. Deal with various trade problems, guarantee the customer and company interests.

Ⅸ 求简历工作描述转换成英语(非机器翻译),谢谢..

管理培训生: 货物进出仓操作管理、分管物资的帐物管理与跟踪、仓库6S管理、物资的维护与保养、货物盘点、报表制作、单据的整理.
Management trainee: goods in and out of warehouse operation management, in charge of material management of accounts and tracking, 6S warehouse management, supplies and maintenance, inventory of goods, reports, documents filing.
物控专员: 负责物料需求计划的制定、分析与申报;负责对物资使用情况分析、到货跟踪及领用跟进;负责对物料库存量的控制、呆滞料的预防及处理,以及工作中各类异常的分析与解决.
Material control Commissioner: the development, analysis and reporting is responsible for material requirement plan; responsible for usage analysis, tracking of goods and receive follow-up; prevention and treatment for the control, sluggish materials on material inventory, and the analysis of all kinds of abnormal work and resolve.
海运操作员: 负责进出口货物的订舱、安排运输、安排报关报检与商检、跟踪货物的相关情况、制作各类单证和相关文件核对、催收款、以及突发事情的处理等事宜.
Operator: responsible for import and export cargo booking, transportation arrangement, arrangement of inspection and commodity inspection, customs, cargo tracking the proction of various types of documents and relevant documents check, AR, and dealing with emergencies and other matters.

Ⅹ 急~在线等,写英文简历,请高手帮忙翻译一段工作描述

Location: Changsha
Occupational Description:
1, responsible for membership and advertising sales, the main target for the Changsha regional export-oriented factories and traders.
2, through various channels to collect information of potential customers, and then the phone call on the rapid screening of the target customers and customer-site visit appointment time.
3, through home visits, the objective understanding of the situation, marketing skills to those customer needs, we recommend the service.
4, make full use of sales experience and judgement standards to improve efficiency.
5, the completion of the indivial sales target at the same time actively cooperate with the team complete the team goals.
The results achieved:
1, performance and stability, in July 2006 - 2007 July annual sales of 300,000
2,2007 annual sales region ranked No. 4
3, an average of 10 customers a day visit, has accumulated experience in sales and ability to respond to circumstances, I will become one of the greatest wealth.



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