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发布时间:2021-01-26 21:54:11




Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.


First let me introce myself. My name is Li Shuai, my English name is Jacky li. bachelor degree or above, majored in physics and Technology University of Electronic Science and technology.


I am cheerful, willing and have broad interests, like basketball, reading, especially in engineering such as software programming, web design, hardware design. For example, in the past four years, I have completed two websites: one is the website of our school, and the other is China 2013 doctor forum website. In addition, I am interested in the C + + programming language, and wrote some applications. In July last year, I completed my graation design, this is one of the image processing software. In addition, I also completed a number of projects, the singlechip uses embedded system I was a junior high school.


The main content of this job is very appealing to me, and because your company in the instry is quite famous, heard that the management is also very humane.


Well, all. Thank you.

② 面试时的英文自我介绍



Good morning, everyone. Thank you for taking your time. It’s really my honor to have this opportunity to take part in this interview. Now, I would like to introce myself briefly.


My name is Doris. I am 23 years old and born in Qing. I graated from Hebei University of Science and Technology. My major is English. And I got my bachelor degree after my graation. I also studied Audit in Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology. I am very interested in English and study very hard on this subject. I had passed TEM-8 and BEC Vantage. I worked in an American company at the beginning of this year. My spoken English was improved a lot by communicating with Americans frequently ring that period.

我的名字是多丽丝。今年23岁, 出生在青岛。我毕业于河北科技大学。我的本科专业是英语并且得到了学士学位。我还在河北师范大学学习审计。我对英语很有兴趣并且很努力地学习。我已经通过了TEM-8, BEC的考试。我曾在一家美国公司工作。在那段时期,我经常与美国人进行交流,因此我的口语进步了很多。

I am very optimistic and easy to get along with. I have many friends. Teamwork spirit is very important in this age. I think if we want to make big achievement, it’s very important to learn how to cooperate with other people. My motto is "characters determine destity", so I alwarys remind myself to be honest and modest to everyone .

我很乐观, 很容易相处。我有很多朋友。团队合作精神在这个时代是非常重要的。我认为, 如果我们想做出重大的成就, 学习如何配合其他的人是非常重要的。我的座右铭是“人格造就命运”, 所以我决定时刻提醒自己,要诚实和谦逊地对待每一个人。

As a motto goes "attitude is everything". If I get this job, I will put all my heart in it and try my best to do it well.

正如一句格言所说:“态度决定一切”。如果我得到这份工作的话, 我将用我全部的心, 而且尽力去把它做好。





③ 面试时怎样用英文做自我介绍









④ 工作面试时英文自我介绍怎么写

My name is **. I'm 20 years old. I can speak Japanese and Korean,but not very fluently. But i will try my best to continue to study.
Firstly, i treasure this chance very much. And i wish to chanllenge myself through this.I am open, outgoing.I have a lot of good friends and get on well with people around me. I can view things objectively and stay calm when i meet difficulties. I believe that i can take this job. i promise i will work hard and make progress. Hope teacher can give me this chance to prove myself.


⑤ 应聘时用的英语自我介绍

到ABC天丅口语去吧复!可以从零基础学起制,他们比较注重实际应用能力.好.,在那待过短时间,感觉还不错 在家上课,时间弹性 跟着学习生活口语课,很不错的,希望帮到你,学习中心里面挺多资源的,还能轻松Free英语水平测试!1.先告诉她他你的的名字或者你想他叫你什么!example:!My name ______ , you can call me __________..他问你的特长和专业. .他还会问你你是从什么地方知道这个工作的..他最后还会问你为什么人为自己可以胜任这个工作.希望可以可以帮助你!...good luck...

⑥ 英语自我介绍,面试用!


In July 2003, I began working for a small private company as a technical support engineer in Qing city. Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2004, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer. Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of company. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure. I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company.



⑦ 面试时的英语自我介绍,带翻译.


(1)说点对方做过的事或者他感兴趣的事,举个例子,“I read/heard that your company focuses on/is known for/values talent that/etc. . . .”这些话可以表明你是有备而来的,对公司的业务很熟悉。

(2)对于对方正在做或者对方感兴趣的事,发表你的见解,举个例子,“I’ve been following your company/instry/technology/etc. and understand that you’re paying more attention to/expanding in/trying to/etc...” 这些话表明你对这个公司从事的事情非常有兴趣。

(3)说说你做过的跟他们公司业务相关,或者你做过的与他们比较感兴趣的领域有关的话题,举个例子,“I’m doing an independent study/working on a project/doing some research related to your company/instry/technology/etc...” 这些话可以表明你能够给公司创造价值。



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