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发布时间:2021-01-25 03:21:16

1. 您好,想请教您一下天津波音复合材料的面试。我是应届毕业生,学的高分子材料,应聘的是文控员

据我所来知这个公司是波音空源客集团天津方面并购的原本地的公司,面试的套路也是外企HR那套。文控员这些专业的我不太懂,我现在在一家金融性质的世界知名外企,说点共性的小经验吧~1. 英语听说读写综合能力,四六级就不说了,其他的进阶英语考试最好能有,托福托业,雅思博思,bec&口译等 2. 自信大方,风度翩翩 ,稳重踏实 3. 逻辑缜密,条理清晰,表达力强 4 .强有力的实习经历 5.校内的党员,奖学金,优干等能证明你在校优秀的书面文件 6.一些有力的实践活动,比如国际性质的青年高分子材料论坛 7.你的学历,比如有的单位几乎天津只要天大,南大的学生。我说的是共性的,列的要求比较高。波音材料这家单位我不了解~您参考着看,我估计有其中3~4条就行了~他应该没这么严格~

2. 天津波音复合材料有限责任公司待遇怎么样,具体点,谢谢!

不怎么样 算上加班什么的2000块左右(周六肯定加班) 你是技术工的话会高点 要是操作工也就这样 赶上不需要加班的工区 恭喜你 一个月也就1000块钱

3. 过几天要去天津波音复合材料面试,英语面试都会提那些问题呢有在那面试过的朋友帮帮忙啊!

Your biggest strengths and weaknesses are what? These strengths and weaknesses of your performance in the enterprise What kind of impact?
Analysis of the problem lies in the biggest trap, the first question is actually two questions, but also add a follow-up questions. These two issues does not lie in the trap you can seriously question their own strengths, nor is that you can correctly understand their own weaknesses. Remember, your answer is not only to the interview to explain your strengths and weaknesses, but also in the overall performance of your values and views of their own values.
Wrong answer from the merits, I can not find what is really outstanding, I think my skills are very extensive. As for weaknesses, I would like, if a project drag on for too long time, I might feel tired.
Comment on this answer the biggest problem is that job-seekers in fact refused to answer the first part of the problem. On the second part of the answer may be implied that the lack of enthusiasm for job-seekers. In addition, based on this issue before the two-part answer, the question of job-seekers on the back of it is very difficult to make a satisfactory answer.
The correct answer from the strengths, I believe my biggest advantage is I have a high degree of rational minds, from the chaos of a loss as to how to sort out. My greatest weakness is that for those who do not have a sense of order may lack sufficient patience. I believe that my organization can help the enterprises in order to achieve its objectives more quickly, and sometimes, I am dealing with complex problems can also affect my colleagues.
Commenting on the answer to achieve the "three birds with a stone." First of all, it does show that the greatest strengths of the job seekers. Secondly, the expression of the weakness in fact it can easily be understood as strengths. Finally, it pointed out that the job seeker's strengths and weaknesses of the enterprises and other staff benefits.

分析 这个问题的最大陷阱在于,第一个问题实际上是两个问题,而且还要加上一个后续问题。这两个问题的陷阱并不在于你是否能认真地看待自己的长处,也不在于你是否能正确认识自己的弱点。记住,你的回答不仅是向面试人说明你的优势和劣势,也能在总体上表现你的价值观和对自身价值的看法。
错误回答 从长处来说,我实在找不出什么突出的方面,我认为我的技能是非常广泛的。至于弱点,我想,如果某个项目时间拖得太久,我可能会感到厌倦。
正确回答 从长处来说,我相信我最大的优点是我有一个高度理性的头脑,能够从混乱中整理出头绪来。我最大的弱点是,对那些没有秩序感的人,可能缺乏足够的耐心。我相信我的组织才能可以帮助企业更快地实现目标,而且有时候,我处理复杂问题的能力也能影响我的同事。
评论 这个回答做到了“一箭三雕”。首先,它确实表明了求职者的最大长处。其次,它所表达的弱点实际上很容易被理解为长处。最后,它指出了这个求职者的长处和弱点对企业和其他员工的好处。

4. 天津塘沽那个波音公司怎么样待遇好么工资是多少哪里对招聘的人都有什么要求

位置在宝山道与河北路交口 蓝商国际对面 其他的不清楚

5. 天津波音复合材料有限责任公司,技术经理年薪多少,已经混到40多岁的。一般能拿多少钱。


6. > 天津波音复合材料有限责任公司

公司简介:天津波音复合材料有限责任公司是由美国波音公司和中国航空工业集团公司共同投资兴建的合资企业,总投资额约为1亿美元。公司位于天津塘沽海洋高新技术开发区,总占地面积近111,000平方米,主要为商用飞机生产高质量的复合材料次结构件和内装饰件,产品和特种工艺通过包括波音在内的所有客户的认证,并符合AS9100和 Nadcap 标准。公司拥有一支技术过硬、士气高昂的团队,他们是公司最重要的资产。 Boeing Tianjin Composites Co., Ltd. is a joint venture owned by Boeing International Holdings Ltd, and China Aviation Instry Cooperation with a total investment of around US$100,000,000.The company is located in Tianjin Tanggu Marine Hi-tech Development Area with land area of 111,000 m2 and specializes in procing high quality composite parts for commercial aircraft. The procts and special processes meet the quality standards of all our customers including AS9100 and Nadcap.We employ a workforce of highly qualified and motivated employees. They are the company’s greatest asset. For this reason, company creates a competitive, challenging and rewarding work environment and offers employees opportunities to use their competencies and to continue their career development. Strong teamwork is the foundation of our success. We recognize that each employee brings unique skills and innovative ideas to our enterprise and we all believe in - “Working together, Creating excellence”以上职位一经录用,公司将提供具有竞争力的薪金、福利(法定的五险一金之外还有商业补充医疗保险和意外险、员工子女商...

7. 天津波音复合材料公司人事部的电话什么我对象向进播音工作


8. 天津波音复合材料有限责任公司 员工的待遇怎么养 听说才能开1000多 那为什么还进厂哪么难呢

现在操作工的基本工抄资是1500,转正以后调整60到90,医疗方面, 有商业保险,住院花销(不包括吃饭陪床啊)800以下全部报销,800以上走医保,五险一金,生日有相应价值100元左右的各种消费券供你选择,逢年过节发粮油,市内有班车,暂不提供住宿,有的岗位三班倒,有的岗位不需要,夜班7小时,白班,二班8小时,夜班不管饭,有相应补助



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