導航:首頁 > 公司招聘 > 天津波音公司招聘


發布時間:2021-01-25 03:21:16

1. 您好,想請教您一下天津波音復合材料的面試。我是應屆畢業生,學的高分子材料,應聘的是文控員

據我所來知這個公司是波音空源客集團天津方面並購的原本地的公司,面試的套路也是外企HR那套。文控員這些專業的我不太懂,我現在在一家金融性質的世界知名外企,說點共性的小經驗吧~1. 英語聽說讀寫綜合能力,四六級就不說了,其他的進階英語考試最好能有,托福托業,雅思博思,bec&口譯等 2. 自信大方,風度翩翩 ,穩重踏實 3. 邏輯縝密,條理清晰,表達力強 4 .強有力的實習經歷 5.校內的黨員,獎學金,優乾等能證明你在校優秀的書面文件 6.一些有力的實踐活動,比如國際性質的青年高分子材料論壇 7.你的學歷,比如有的單位幾乎天津只要天大,南大的學生。我說的是共性的,列的要求比較高。波音材料這家單位我不了解~您參考著看,我估計有其中3~4條就行了~他應該沒這么嚴格~

2. 天津波音復合材料有限責任公司待遇怎麼樣,具體點,謝謝!

不怎麼樣 算上加班什麼的2000塊左右(周六肯定加班) 你是技術工的話會高點 要是操作工也就這樣 趕上不需要加班的工區 恭喜你 一個月也就1000塊錢

3. 過幾天要去天津波音復合材料面試,英語面試都會提那些問題呢有在那面試過的朋友幫幫忙啊!

Your biggest strengths and weaknesses are what? These strengths and weaknesses of your performance in the enterprise What kind of impact?
Analysis of the problem lies in the biggest trap, the first question is actually two questions, but also add a follow-up questions. These two issues does not lie in the trap you can seriously question their own strengths, nor is that you can correctly understand their own weaknesses. Remember, your answer is not only to the interview to explain your strengths and weaknesses, but also in the overall performance of your values and views of their own values.
Wrong answer from the merits, I can not find what is really outstanding, I think my skills are very extensive. As for weaknesses, I would like, if a project drag on for too long time, I might feel tired.
Comment on this answer the biggest problem is that job-seekers in fact refused to answer the first part of the problem. On the second part of the answer may be implied that the lack of enthusiasm for job-seekers. In addition, based on this issue before the two-part answer, the question of job-seekers on the back of it is very difficult to make a satisfactory answer.
The correct answer from the strengths, I believe my biggest advantage is I have a high degree of rational minds, from the chaos of a loss as to how to sort out. My greatest weakness is that for those who do not have a sense of order may lack sufficient patience. I believe that my organization can help the enterprises in order to achieve its objectives more quickly, and sometimes, I am dealing with complex problems can also affect my colleagues.
Commenting on the answer to achieve the "three birds with a stone." First of all, it does show that the greatest strengths of the job seekers. Secondly, the expression of the weakness in fact it can easily be understood as strengths. Finally, it pointed out that the job seeker's strengths and weaknesses of the enterprises and other staff benefits.

分析 這個問題的最大陷阱在於,第一個問題實際上是兩個問題,而且還要加上一個後續問題。這兩個問題的陷阱並不在於你是否能認真地看待自己的長處,也不在於你是否能正確認識自己的弱點。記住,你的回答不僅是向面試人說明你的優勢和劣勢,也能在總體上表現你的價值觀和對自身價值的看法。
錯誤回答 從長處來說,我實在找不出什麼突出的方面,我認為我的技能是非常廣泛的。至於弱點,我想,如果某個項目時間拖得太久,我可能會感到厭倦。
正確回答 從長處來說,我相信我最大的優點是我有一個高度理性的頭腦,能夠從混亂中整理出頭緒來。我最大的弱點是,對那些沒有秩序感的人,可能缺乏足夠的耐心。我相信我的組織才能可以幫助企業更快地實現目標,而且有時候,我處理復雜問題的能力也能影響我的同事。
評論 這個回答做到了「一箭三雕」。首先,它確實表明了求職者的最大長處。其次,它所表達的弱點實際上很容易被理解為長處。最後,它指出了這個求職者的長處和弱點對企業和其他員工的好處。

4. 天津塘沽那個波音公司怎麼樣待遇好么工資是多少哪裡對招聘的人都有什麼要求

位置在寶山道與河北路交口 藍商國際對面 其他的不清楚

5. 天津波音復合材料有限責任公司,技術經理年薪多少,已經混到40多歲的。一般能拿多少錢。


6. > 天津波音復合材料有限責任公司

公司簡介:天津波音復合材料有限責任公司是由美國波音公司和中國航空工業集團公司共同投資興建的合資企業,總投資額約為1億美元。公司位於天津塘沽海洋高新技術開發區,總佔地面積近111,000平方米,主要為商用飛機生產高質量的復合材料次結構件和內裝飾件,產品和特種工藝通過包括波音在內的所有客戶的認證,並符合AS9100和 Nadcap 標准。公司擁有一支技術過硬、士氣高昂的團隊,他們是公司最重要的資產。 Boeing Tianjin Composites Co., Ltd. is a joint venture owned by Boeing International Holdings Ltd, and China Aviation Instry Cooperation with a total investment of around US$100,000,000.The company is located in Tianjin Tanggu Marine Hi-tech Development Area with land area of 111,000 m2 and specializes in procing high quality composite parts for commercial aircraft. The procts and special processes meet the quality standards of all our customers including AS9100 and Nadcap.We employ a workforce of highly qualified and motivated employees. They are the company』s greatest asset. For this reason, company creates a competitive, challenging and rewarding work environment and offers employees opportunities to use their competencies and to continue their career development. Strong teamwork is the foundation of our success. We recognize that each employee brings unique skills and innovative ideas to our enterprise and we all believe in - 「Working together, Creating excellence」以上職位一經錄用,公司將提供具有競爭力的薪金、福利(法定的五險一金之外還有商業補充醫療保險和意外險、員工子女商...

7. 天津波音復合材料公司人事部的電話什麼我對象向進播音工作


8. 天津波音復合材料有限責任公司 員工的待遇怎麼養 聽說才能開1000多 那為什麼還進廠哪么難呢

現在操作工的基本工抄資是1500,轉正以後調整60到90,醫療方面, 有商業保險,住院花銷(不包括吃飯陪床啊)800以下全部報銷,800以上走醫保,五險一金,生日有相應價值100元左右的各種消費券供你選擇,逢年過節發糧油,市內有班車,暫不提供住宿,有的崗位三班倒,有的崗位不需要,夜班7小時,白班,二班8小時,夜班不管飯,有相應補助



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